The Kindness Ripple Effect in the Upper Elementary Classroom

Creating a culture of kindness in the classroom is essential for fostering empathy, respect, and a positive learning environment. One simple but powerful way to help students understand the impact of their actions is through a lesson called The Kindness Ripple Effect. This activity provides a visual and interactive way for students to see how even small acts of kindness can spread far beyond their initial action.

Demonstrating The KINDNESS Ripple Effect

Begin the lesson with a simple demonstration. Fill a bowl or jar halfway with water and drop a small stone in. As students watch the ripples expand, explain the meaning of ripple effect—how one small action can create far-reaching consequences. Relate this to kindness: every kind act, no matter how small, has the power to inspire others and create a lasting impact.

The Ripple Effect KINDNESS BULLETIN Board

To reinforce this idea, introduce The Ripple Effect Board—a visual representation of how acts of kindness spread. Each time a student experiences or witnesses kindness, they write it down on a stone-shaped template. Then, challenge them to continue the ripple effect by passing on the kindness and performing a similar act for someone else. Once they do, they can add a checkmark to their stone, showing how the kindness ripple effect continues to grow.


  • While many bulletin boards come and go, consider making this kindness bulletin board a permanent “kindness wall” in the classroom or hallway to encourage ongoing participation throughout the school year. Regularly refresh the stone templates and reference the kindness wall a few times a week to draw students’ attention to the growing impact of kindness and remind them of their continued efforts.

  • Explicitly teach students kindness vocabulary like “conscious”, “patience”, “generosity”, “compassion”, and “empathy” to help students deepen their understanding of what kindness truly means.

  • Teach students about the different types of kindness. Encourage them to reflect on how often they perform acts of kindness in each category and challenge them to set a kindness goal that pushes them to step out of their comfort zone and think beyond traditional kind gestures.

By incorporating The Kindness Ripple Effect into your classroom routines, you help students recognize the profound impact of their actions. This simple yet meaningful activity is just one way to nurture a culture of kindness and show students that even the smallest gestures can make waves of positive change. Want more ideas? Read these blog posts: Creating A Culture of Kindness: 11 Daily Practices for your Classroom and 18 Kindness Activities and Lesson Ideas for Elementary Students.


You can manage to do each of these activities with a reflection journal and materials you have around the classroom, but if you want some of the work done for you, you can check out my Kindness theme SEL unit. I use this unit for a 2-3 week morning meeting unit. It includes student journal pages, detailed and editable kindness lesson plans, kindness bulletin board materials with kindness vocabulary and related kindness quotations, and Google Slides for the teacher and a digital student notebook. This Kindness theme SEL unit is also included in the SEL Morning Meeting MEGA Bundle that contains 17 social- emotional learning themes. If you’re looking to increase your social-emotional learning focus, you’ve come to the right place!


If you’d like more social-emotional learning theme units with a focus on encouraging students’ social, emotional, and academic success, you may be interested in the SEL Morning Meeting Mega Bundle of 17 theme units. With units focused on gratitude, empathy and compassion, growth mindset, conflict resolution and compromise, grit and perseverance, responsibility, understanding and managing emotions, and so much more, your engaging morning meeting plans are done for you and your students will love them! You can save 10% on the Mega Bundle of all 17 themes with the code MM10.