

You ARE IN! I'm so glad you are joining me on this journey to LEARN MORE and GET MORE out of MORNING MEETINGS! 

If you want to be an over-achiever, you can do two things RIGHT NOW to get ready for next week's challenge: 

1) Join the CLOSED Facebook Group for Upper Elementary Morning Meetings. This is where the bulk of the discussions with other teachers will take place. You can ask any MORNING MEETING or CLASSROOM COMMUNITY related questions that you want. I'll chime in with my advice (or even address them in a future LIVE training) and you can get advice from other teachers! 


2) Be sure that you are following my Tarheelstate Teacher Facebook Page.  On the "FOLLOWING" tab, you want to make sure that you have ALL NOTIFICATIONS turned on. This is how Facebook will let you know that I have GONE LIVE (aka started my live video training) so that you remember to watch the video! (If you don't double-check that all notifications are turned on, it will be set to a default of "Highlights" and WHO KNOWS WHAT FACEBOOK WILL SHARE WITH YOU!?!?! ;) 


That's all for now! I'll be sending you an email soon that contains: 

> > > Those reminders above

> > > the PDF Guidebook to help you "Get MORE out of Morning Meetings"

> > > the schedule for next week's lives


See you soon! 

new tarheelstate teacher headshot photo.jpg